It is interesting
to note that The Rev E Hogan, S.J. in his THE HISTORY OF THE
IRISH WOLFDOG, first published in 1897. (par. 107 writes);
About the year 1810,
James Ward R.A. painted, evidently from life, a wolfdog,
very powerful, red in colour, of hard, rough coat, with ears
cut at the ends; the form was that of a very strong
deerhound, but considerably thicker. The picture became the
property of Sir E Landseer, and then of Fores, the
print-seller, of Piccadilly.
Capt G A Graham
in his publication THE Irish Wolfhound, first published in
1885, quotes and acknowledges, this text from Hogan, and
adds: the drawing
probably would be about the beginning of this century, as
Ward was born 1770.
As mentioned
above, W H Ward and James Ward were brothers, one wonders if
they painted the same hound.